Participation Projects

"world class" "it was excellent" "I enjoyed the storytelling and it involved the children fully"

Our participation projects work alongside groups to create their own work to present to other groups from their community.

Oliver Twist Now!
by Paul Swift

A youth drama project working with up to ten young people over four consecutive twilight sessions  to create a play/film starting with the story of Oliver Twist and imagining what the story would be like if it happened today.

This is part of the Leeds TiE continuing professional development project with Theatre Company Blah Blah Blah, more about that here.

Find out more about Oliver Twist Now! here.

Play Time

Play Time enables pupils to safely address a number of difficult PSHCE issues, including community cohesion, domestic violence and abuse, bullying, alcohol misuse. The programme consists of play and follow-up materials.

Find out more here.

For further information and booking please contact us.